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Speaker Interview: Daniel Westermann

What happens when more than 30 years of Oracle experience hit PostgreSQL?   Thursday 10:30   Baltic II+III

Twitter: @westermanndanie Blog: - daniel-westermann

Could you briefly introduce yourself?

I am a database consultant since more than 15 years and the major part of that in Oracle area. At some point in time I could not see how I could do that any longer without losing faith and started to look for alternatives. Surprisingly ( :-) ) PostgreSQL was the only alternative that fitted for me and it is great to see that customers do see this as well. So pushing PostgreSQL by explaining how it is build, how the community works, what you can do with it, how easy it gets work done is becoming my daily life and faith is back. For all the rest => see you in Warsaw

Have you enjoyed previous conferences, either as attendee or as speaker?

No, never had the chance to do that until now but attended the Swiss PGDay three times, two as a speaker.

What will your talk be about, exactly? Why this topic?

The talk will be about why PostgreSQL might suck when you are an Oracle DBA and start to work with PostgreSQL. Some concepts are more or less the same in both but others differ and might seem strange at the very beginning of the journey. "Why this topic"?: Avoid going through the same, long, and sometimes painful learning curve as we did. You can take the short one when you are ready to open yourself for other concepts, another way of thinking, engaging with the community and don't blindly apply or expect things as you'd have known them for years. Start thinking PostgreSQL, start to understand how the community works and start to see the benefits of that most advanced open source database. Oracle is complex, complicated and requires an enormous amount of time to manage; there is another option.

What is the audience for your talk?

Oracle DBAs thinking to switch to freedom, people wanting to see a fun session, people willing to discuss.

What existing knowledge should the attendee have?

Of course an understanding what databases are and that they differ in implementations. Otherwise, come and join, we'll have fun.