Supercharge your PostgreSQL with extensions Wednesday 17:20 Baltic I
Twitter: @leopard_me GitHub: le0pard Facebook: leopard.not.a Website: Podcast:
Hello. My name is Alexey. I am Software Architect at Railsware company and Podcaster. I made open-source books about Chef ("Cooking Infrastructure by Chef", DevOps tool) and PostgreSQL ("Setting up and scaling of PostgreSQL", Russian language).
Previous conferences was very good. I attended past conferences as a attendee and after that decided to try to make my own talk.
My talk called "Supercharge your PostgreSQL with extensions". PostgreSQL is very powerful database, and extensions allow to make it very flexible for various tasks. I am very like this ability in it.
My talk is mostly for beginners and maybe intermediate audience (I am not PostgreSQL "guru", just use this database every day). This talk will show some very useful extensions for developers and devops.
Just know little SQL and what is PostgreSQL.