The Amazing Long History of PostgreSQL Friday 11:50 Congress
Twitter: @pvh
Hi, I'm Peter. I built the first cloud relational database service because we started Heroku, a cloud application platform, before Amazon RDS existed. During my time at Heroku we ran into every imaginable Postgres operational and scaling challenge and I became a part of the community through attending Postgres conferences as part of my work. Today I am part of a small and unrelated industrial research lab but I still like to find ways to participate in the community.
My first was in Amsterdam and I've always enjoyed coming to Europe to share my experiences with the community here. I come every year I can, but it's a long way from San Francisco!
I gave a talk some years ago which described Postgres as being 25 years old, and a stranger sent me an email to say I was wrong, dead wrong, and that I should look further into the history. That man was a participant in the original Berkeley University research project that created Postgres and piqued my interest. When I finally had a bit more time to invest in learning the history I discovered there were all kinds of great stories from Postgres' early history and that a lot of those stories were not widely known... so I wrote this talk!
Anyone with an interest in where their tools come from, or the history behind them can enjoy this talk.
My talk should be accessible to everyone!